Pathways To Learning... Since 2005
Hong Kong Registered School 566985

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Over the years, ITS has worked very closely with other professionals to facilitate people moving from Hong Kong to the UK. This can be something very simple like helping a young student prepare for an entrance exam to a UK boarding school, through to those who need a wider range of services such as property search, visas and tax advice.

Now a group of us, who have worked together for many years, have created GoHK2UK - Hong Kong's widest range of relocation services under one umbrella. Whether you need a small piece of advice on one element of a move, or you need a full suite to move an entire family, contact any one of us to get expert advise and begin your journey.

Our Partners Contact UsFAQs


  • Hong Kong’s Premier Tutoring Service

    Hong Kong’s premier tutoring service: international teachers supporting GCSE, IGCSE, A-level, IB MYP & Diploma, HKDSE and more since 2005.

  • Subject Tutors In Hong Kong & Online

    Subject tutors in Hong Kong & online: schools in Central & MK as well as the latest virtual classroom technology - we have students across Asia, Africa & The Gulf States.

  • Admissions test prep

    A comprehensive range of prep options for all entrance tests including ISEB, Ukiset and unique school tests. .

  • Invigilation & Proctoring

    Invigilation & Proctoring: a wide range of governments, professional bodies and universities use ITS to host exams. Request if not listed. At our venue or yours.

  • UK University Admissions

    UK university admissions: full UCAS centre and Hong Kong’s only full Cambridge ATS centre for entrance exams e.g. STEP, BMAT. Interviews for Oxbridge. Personal statements.

  • English language tests

    Official British Council IELTS member and Pearson PTE member for all visa related English testing prep

  • School interview prep

    A range of familiarization and preparation offerings for all types of interview from Prep school to university.

  • Full-time interim schooling

    Students waiting for the move to UK join us full-time to switch to the UK syllabus before they even leave Hong Kong so they arrive ready to join their UK school smoothly.

IELTS Pearson Test of English Atom learning



Need to find a school ?
panoba logo

School choice | School admissions | Property search | Private healthcare | Relocation | Pet immigration | Home set up | Business Culture | Global mobility | Cultural Competence | Country Expertise | Global HR | Cultural Intelligence | Remote teams | Global Leadership

Need smooth business transition?
Farnham logo

Business Culture | Global mobility | Cultural Competence | Country Expertise Global HR | Cultural Intelligence | Remote teams | Global Leadership

Need legal & visa advice?
Bowers Logo

BNO Extended Visa | BNO Passport Application | Dependant Family Member in Any Category | Permanent Residence | Representative of Overseas Business | Spouse or Civil Partner of a British Citizen | All Tier 1 visas

Need tax & investment advice ?
Charlton logo

Pre-UK residency tax planning | UK Tax advice | Offshore and UK Wealth Management | UK Property finance | Foreign exchange | Banking | Insurance | Accounting

Need property?
Complete RPI

Search & Acquisition | Furnishing | Ownership structure | Sales | Buy-to-let

Need a relocation company?
Bespoke Moving Solutions

Removals | Customs | Tailored routing - road, sea, air | Specialist items | Complex moves

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many options when it comes to finding the right school for your children and choice of school will often depend on where you live and the ages of your children. At secondary level schools will require entry tests and interviews, while others are non-selective and will accept children of all abilities. British schools are very used to welcoming families from around the and have strong pastoral care systems in place. You may be looking for a school where your continue their extra-curricular strengths in music, arts, performing arts or sports, or a school can offer excellent science and maths teaching and facilities. An educational consultant can help navigate the school search and application process, advise on suitable school choices and visits.
[email protected]
All schools have different timelines when it comes to the admissions process and demand for places does vary greatly depending on area and the type of school a family is looking for. Some the top London prep schools see huge demand for places and therefore putting a child’s name on the list is essential several years before entry. Similarly, for competitive entry to some of the elite and highly academic senior schools at Year 9 (age 13), entry assessments take place in Year 6. However, for the majority of senior schools, the application and assessment timeline runs 12 and 18 months before the September of entry. The best advice for parents is to remember that there will be a greater choice of schools that will accept applications when the school search is started early. For relocating families, school applications can often be made in advance of your arrival in the UK. An educational consultant can advise on application windows for UK schools ensure this fits with your relocation timeline.
[email protected]
When relocating to the UK with a family, it is important to decide on a location which will have right combination of available properties, good transport links, highly rated local schools and access to other family services. A UK based relocation expert with local knowledge can advise on locations which incorporate all of these criteria and ensure that you and your family have a ‘soft landing’ when you arrive in the UK and in the months following your arrival. They can assist with setting up property viewings and negotiating with real estate agents, school visits and shipping furniture and belongings, setting up home and registering for banks, doctors and other services and amenities.
[email protected]
The cost of failure and premature returns from international moves is immense, not only to businesses, but also personally to individuals and their families. The two most common reasons failure are severe family problems, when the assignee’s partner or family fails to adapt to the country and culture, and failure of the assignee to adapt to the new country and business

The best cultural training (which can include a family programme) offers a deeper understanding culture. It encourages individuals to be self-aware, whilst providing them with the cultural intelligence and practical advice that properly prepares them for living and working in a specific country or culture.
[email protected]
Experts with experience in international assignments, intercultural management and business training, combined with in-depth country expertise, knowledge of business culture, and the cultural values, attitudes and behaviours of target nationalities, can offer invaluable insight, advice and skills training, across all roles and seniority.

They identify the key ‘drivers’ and teach participants how to use this knowledge to adapt information and working style. The practical benefits to business are achieved when individuals recognise, analyse and manage differences, for example in radically different thinking styles, approaches to time, feedback, deliverables, deadlines, negotiations, handling meetings and presentations, and understanding decision making and project management.
[email protected]
Those developing, leading and working in international teams need both self and cultural in order to operate effectively and to establish shared meaning and common purpose. Even when individual team members are enthusiastic, different approaches to communication and issues as trust, hierarchy, motivation and managing conflict often cause unintentional ambiguity, misunderstanding and frustration.

Cultural training not only brings greater awareness and understanding of cultural differences, improves cooperation, collaboration and performance for cross-cultural teams, helping team members to build better, more connected relationships and greater levels of understanding, trust and respect.
[email protected]
The UK Immigration Rules are being overhauled in January 2021, in part, to the new legislation relating to European nationals entering the UK following Brexit. There are a number of routes of migration for EU and non-EU nationals wishing to the UK. Visa categories for skilled workers, spouses of British citizens, Investors to UK, Entrepreneurs and Representatives of overseas businesses are available for consideration. There are also routes for students and the Youth Mobility Scheme for which the UK has a reciprocal arrangement with Hong Kong.

In addition the UK Government will implement a new visa scheme in January 2021 for those who have British National (Overseas) eligibility.

If you are thinking of migrating to the UK you should discuss your individual circumstances with an immigration lawyer to ensure that the most advantageous is selected for your personal situation. The UK Immigration Rules are complex and, the most part, particularly prescriptive in terms of the required content and form of supporting documents. A specialist immigration adviser will ensure you find the long term solutions to protect you and your family.
[email protected]
In most visa categories the UK Immigration Rules provide options for dependant members to join the main visa applicant in the UK. As a general guide dependents include immediate family members such as spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner (with whom you have a durable relationship) and children under 18 years old. In cases it may be possible to make an application for an over-age dependent child to you in the UK by making an application for ‘leave outside the rules’. Any such application is discretionary and likely to be complex.
[email protected]
The UK Government does not currently place any restrictions on foreign nationals buying and owning property (real estate) in the UK. It is not a prerequisite to making visa application and it is not taken into account when you apply for your visa, is one of the things that may be taken into account when you apply for settlement (permanent residence) or British Citizenship in the UK, as an indication of your intentions to make the UK your main home and your intention to permanently reside there.
[email protected]
Many visas to the UK are dependent on you demonstrating a certain level of ability in the English language. The government has a list of tests which it accepts for this purpose (known as SELTs or Secure English Language Tests). While there are a few available, the most well known and widely available are the IELTS test and the PTE test. Both of these have several versions.

The version you take will depend mostly on the visa type you require. Students often have much the visa clearance established by the school or university they apply to so you MUST check with institution as to exactly which test they accept.

For non-students, you should ask your immigration lawyer to confirm which test you will need. ITS is an official member for both PTE and IELTS and we can teach courses and help you enrol.
[email protected]
School entrance requirements vary enormously depending on the school type, its popularity and year groupd wo which you are applying.

Generally speaking, younger children have a more relaxed interview plus a few cognitive tests whereas older children may need to demonstrate examined ability across a range of academic subjects.

There are two key things you need to do:
1. Establish with your educational consultant which tests your child will need Draw up a prep plan with ITS to efficiently get this prep done without overburdening and stressing your already busy child(ren)
[email protected]
Younger children need to have a little bit of experience just meeting a new adult and then having chat about themselves. They need to practice talking spontaneously and gain the confidence to so. A quiet child cannot pass an interview because the school will not learn anything about them.

Older children need to be more polished. Quieter introverts need to build the confidence to speak about their passions. louder extroverts may need to learn to reign it in. Everybody needs to be natural and not appear 'coached'.

For all children, they must avoid the trap of pre-empting questions or saying what they think the school wants to hear. Coaching for interview is therefore really quite important because so many people do not really understand what is truly involved.
[email protected]
Hong Kong has a simple, low tax system, with no income or capital gains taxes on investments. The maximum rate of salary tax is the flat rate of 15%.

In comparison, the UK operates a complex and high tax system. Typically, with a 45% top rate of income tax, but in some circumstances, you could pay an effective income tax rate of 60%. You will also be subject to National Insurance, a type of taxation, on any employment or self-employment income.

There are a number tax and financial planning opportunities that exist that need to be considered well in advance and as part of a broader overall plan. Some of this planning needs to be executed before you leave Hong Kong. Some planning can only be undertaken once you are resident in the UK.

Not getting this right could result in you having to delay your move or if that’s not possible, potentially face a significant and totally avoidable tax bill.
[email protected]
The default answer is yes. Any interest, dividends and realized capital gains from overseas will be subject to UK taxes.

Your first step however is to establish what your domicile is and how this may be affected by your move to the UK.

If you are non-UK domiciled, you can elect to be taxed on the Remittance Basis. An advantage of this is that investment income and capital gains you make whilst UK resident that are not brought into the UK will not be subject to UK taxes.

This is a very complex area where specialist professional advice should be sought. Getting this wrong can have serious irreversible consequences, potentially many years in the future.
[email protected]
In short, as soon as possible.

It may be advisable to sell assets or hold them in more tax efficient ownership structures and this takes time, especially with illiquid assets such as property.

The UK tax year runs from 6th April to 5th April. Under certain circumstances, the tax year can be split into 2 distinct periods; an earlier period of non-UK tax residence and a latter period of UK tax residence. However, whether this ‘split year’ treatment will apply is not always clear. Therefore, avoid any uncertainty by carrying out any planning in the UK tax year before your arrival.
[email protected]
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