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ITS is very good for IB tutoring. It has been useful for my son, I would highly recommend.
Oxbridge tutors: See the ITS Oxbridge staff
ITS Education Asia has as one of its founders Danny Harrington, who read Geography at Christ Church College, Oxford, and often includes a number of Oxbridge graduates amongst its management and teaching staff.
Applying to both the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge is a highly competitive process. As a rough guide only 10-14% of applicants get a place. ITS supports all elements which include:
Ideally prep begins up to 2 years prior to your application date of October 15th each year and runs up to the end of November in your year of application. However we understand the decision sometimes comes later than that and can provide counselling accordingly. At the very least you should aim to seriously prep for the PS, entrance test and interview from the end of summer term in your penultimate school year – about May or June time.
A full package of counselling and preparation includes:
As a guide we would spend twenty hours on the full counselling package. It may be however, that a student wants more help at the beginning going through a more extensive process of determining future direction and working back through course choice to current school needs. In this case they should consider our enrichment programme as a pre-Oxbridge undertaking. For candidates who need or wish to have more than the 20 standard hours we can add hours on an ad hoc basis.
Danny Harrington M.A.,
(Oxford), DipHE (London), CELTA (RSA/Cambridge)
Founder and Director
of ITS Education Asia
Ronald Lau, MMath
(Cambridge), M.Sc. (Oxford), M.A. (Cambridge)
Senior Oxbridge
John Whelpton,
M.A. (Oxford)
Amanda Snow B.A., M.A. (Cambridge)
Robert Allen M.Ed.,M.A., B.A., P.G.C.E. (Cambridge)
If you are taking prep with us in our Hong Kong schools you may come and see one of these tutors.
However, we also have access to over 100 Oxbridge graduates who provide online prep for subject
specialist advice and support.
No matter what subject you want to read at Oxbridge,
give us a call on (852) 2116 3916 or email us at [email protected], and we can guide you in the
right combination of prep for you.