Pathways To Learning... Since 2005
Hong Kong Registered School 566985

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Some facts about ITS

  • Our school is registered by the Hong Kong Education Bureau [since 2005].
  • ITS was the first non-mainstream school in Asia accredited as a full Pearson Edexcel International Centre (No: 92885), recognized in 2010. This means we can prepare, enter and invigilate candidates in exactly the same way as at a mainstream/traditional school. Despite being non-selective, our results are significantly better than the UK average: ITS Students' Result.
  • ITS is a UCAS centre (No: S45903). UCAS services are offered both to our own students and to others who may be learning at other institutions.
  • ITS is an official OCR STEP Math Centre (HK109) running STEP Math exams for entry to select universities.
  • ITS was chosen to deliver the first Youth Ambassador Asia Pacific Programme by and on behalf of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
  • We launched the School Search Database in 2020.
  • With all our accreditations, we now have many full-time students who wish to get qualifications but do not want to be at a mainstream school
  • ITS students regularly go on to win places at top universities around the world. You can see some destinations here: http://www.itseducation.asia/results.html
  • Founder, Danny Harrington is an Oxford alum (M.A. Geography at Christ Church, 1988) who has run educational organisations in Hong Kong since 1997.
  • ITS teaching staff come from a range of globally recognized universities of excellence such as Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College, UCL and LSE in the UK and MIT from the US. Click to view - ITS staff profiles.
  • In 2011 and 2012, ITS was invited by the Hong Kong EDB to prepare the first cohorts of the new Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education for UK university candidacy.
  • ITS teachers often go on secondment to local schools and institutions.
  • Danny Harrington was the Education Committee Vice-Chair for 2013-14 and Chair for 2014-15 at the British Chamber of Commerce.
  • ITS implemented a virtual classroom and online school platform in August 2013. We are the first in the world to combine live learning and distance learning online for UK national qualifications – the International GCSE and International A-levels.
  • In 2021 we launched a not-for-profit foundation - The ITS Education Asia Foundation - to run all our sustainability courses for students and schools and on behalf of the United nations.

Please browse our site to see all the choices we can offer you. You can call us in Hong Kong at +852 2116 3916 or email [email protected]

By studying with ITS you can enjoy one or more of the following benefits:

  • Get extra support for your existing studies from real teachers
  • Take extra qualifications to expand your academic portfolio
  • Find an alternative to traditional schooling
  • Get expert support for your home learning
  • Undertake learning over which you have more control
  • Find flexible options for amount of time spent achieving qualifications
  • Find flexible options for classroom workload in hours per week
  • Access learning from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Access our physical schools in Hong Kong
  • Access pathways to schools and universities around the world
  • Access the best academic camps available for summer vacation

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