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Since 2007, we have helped families from various parts of the world to secure places in some of Hong Kong’s most sought-after private and independent schools. Our consultants combine years of experience with compassion for the children that they support. As a result, our recommendations and assessments of children are customised, often resulting in school places being offered at schools which seemed unlikely at the beginning of a school search.
Each family we work with has a unique set of circumstances; therefore our approach is designed to accommodate the ambitions of the family as well as the abilities, academic and emotional needs of the child, enabling our consultants to tailor a school search programme which ends with a successful school placement.
We provide comprehensive and impartial advice to parents. We receive no incentive from schools and can therefore guarantee all our advice is objective and in the best interests of the families we assist.
For more information on our School Advisory Services please call 852-2116 3916 or email: [email protected]
ITS Education Asia includes leading consultants who can provide expert support throughout a student's entire academic journey; from nursery, primary and secondary, to university applications.
School Placement
Our experts support families with application to competitive school entrance in Hong
We help explore options beyond your initial perceptions of school choice. We select schools for our clients based on a variety of factors, such as: a child's personality, parents' educational values, a child's academic ability and interests.
A child's happiness and development is always at the centre of our work with families, and we begin by meeting with both parents and their child to help make positive choices at every stage.
By providing an exceptional understanding of the Hong Kong schooling landscape, and the right information at every step, we are able to guide students from nursery to university.
Each family has their own personal advisor who has the benefit of the combined experience and expertise of the entire ITS school search team to draw on.
ITS Education Asia 的頂尖顧問團隊為各年齡段的學生提供專業支援,涵蓋從幼兒園、小 學、中學到大學的申請。
我們會爲每個家庭配備私人顧問,再綜合運用整個 ITS 升學團隊的經驗與專長,提供堅實 的支持。
Christy - Director of School Admissions 升 學總監 – 12-year experience in international education, 1000+ family assisted / 12年國際教育經驗, 已幫助1000+家庭升學 規劃
Almira - School Admissions Consultant 升學顧 問– M.A.(H.K. Polytechnic), TESOL/TEFL / 香港理工大學碩 士,TESOL/TEFL
Marko - Instructor 講師- Master’s Degree(H.K. Polytechnic), Bachelor’s Degree(University of Liverpool) / 香 港理工大學碩士, 英國利物浦大學學 士
Matthew - Director of Admissions 升 學總監 - B.B.A.(HKUST) / 香港科技大學工商 管理學士
All services are available in English, Cantonese and Putonghua.
Our school search support can range from 我們的學校搜尋支援服務包括:
We offer a variety of consultancy services to meet you and your child's needs - from a one hour consultation, to a dedicated step-by-step fully supported search which ends with your child being placed in a school of your choice.
Finding the right school for your child can be both complex and challenging for any parent as the competition can appear alarming. Our consultants develop a flexible but comprehensive schooling plan in order to chart a child’s schooling from nursery to secondary. We take the stress out of the school search process and provide a dedicated personal service to help you meet your schooling needs.
Our schooling plans are designed so that they can be reviewed and adapted to the natural development of the child's personality and skills. We ensure parents have all the information they need, and are fully supported every step of the way.
For many parents, a consultation with an education expert is a great way to gain clarity of mind quickly. If you have already started your search and have found yourself feeling overwhelmed, or are right at the start of the process and confused by all the different schools, entrance policies, a consultation with one of our experts is the way to start. During the consultation, we will discuss potential schools with you, compare and contrast strengths and weaknesses of those schools, and recommend next steps.
A school search is appropriate for parents who are at the start of their search, want expert advice on the schools that will best suit their child’s needs and their own educational values, but who are happy to then manage the application process themselves. We will have a detailed discussion with you to determine the criteria that are important for you, and then put together a report of schools that fit these criteria and a schooling plan which will support you on your own independent search.
Our school placement service is for parents who need a fully-supportive school search and who want us to take all the administration responsibilities off their hands. We provide support to parents from the beginning of their search to the point at which your child walks through the school gates. We will recommend appropriate schools, arrange visits and accompany you on tours to ensure that you get the most out of your visit. Following this we will complete the applications for your child on your behalf; we provide tutoring services for the interviews, and will continue to work closely with you and the admissions teams at each school, until your child is happy and settled at their new school.