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A-LEVEL English Literature



ITS Tutorial School has offered top A-level English Literature support since 2005. We are the only tutorial school in Hong Kong also licensed to run the A-level exams by Pearson. You can take both International A-levels and some GCE subjects as well. Thousands of students have taken private tuition with our English Literature tutors to date. You can either:

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Why Study A Level English Literature?

IAL English Literature is a challenging and enjoyable course. It is a course which requires much independent reading and has a strong focus on essay writing.

There are four modular units which can really be taken in any order and which are available twice a year, in the January and May/ June exam sessions.

Unit 1 focuses solely on contemporary texts of both poetry and novels, while Unit 3 allows for the study of a theme through two novels. In Unit 2, both pre and post 19th century drama is studied. Unit 4 is a challenging unit which requires the reading of some of the classics, including a play by Shakespeare.

The importance of close reading as well as the writing of strong arguments to explain and defend your own interpretation will be practiced.

This is an excellent subject for students who love to read and who want to explore at depth the works which are important in English culture.

Here is a great article written by Sue Smith on Why Study English Literature

Where the course leads:

English literature A level is an essential subject for an English degree. The Russell Group informed choices guide further recommends English Literature for: Classical Studies; French and other Modern Languages; Teacher training; History; History of Art; Politics; Religious Studies. Post 16 study of English Literature can lead to careers in media, journalism, publishing, teaching and academic careers, advertising and marketing, law and business and accounting

Why choose ITS for tuition or full time study ?
  • Value for money
  • Easy accessibility – all lessons can be taken either here at our school or online
  • Flexible learning – choose when, where and how you learn
  • Individualized for YOU – pick and choose from our add-on services according to your needs
  • Fully qualified and experienced teachers from an official centre
  • Latest specifications – we are an official centre for this qualification
  • Full support services – our counsellors can guide you through the course and on to the next step
  • The course content may be relevant to a variety of exams (SATII, IB, AQA, OCR, CIE) and school study. See the unit description for more detail on the content
What are the prerequisites of this course?

There are no prerequisites, but an I/ GCSE qualification in English Literature would be helpful

For more information on specific university requirements related to A-levels, please see our A-levels FAQ page.

For more information on applying to UK universities, see our UCAS page.

If you are an international student taking A-levels the basic offer is made for 3 A-level subjects. It is very important when choosing these subjects that you understand what options you will have for university when the time comes. ITS has a long-established, highly experienced counselling team who can help you make these decisions and plan your academic course. But to start with, try out this excellent tool from the Russel Group which helps you experiment with your subject choices. Then come and see us.

How is the course structured?

You can find the Edexcel course specification here.

The course consists of 4 Units – 2 IAS and 2 IA2 Units. Students must take all 4 units to obtain the International Advanced Level History qualification. The percentage of total IAL marks for each Unit is in brackets followed by the length of each examination.

Unit 1: Post-2000 Poetry and Prose (50% of IAS & 25% of IAL – 2 hours)

Content overview:- Students will study:

  • a selection of post-2000 poetry from Poems of the Decade: An Anthology of the Forward Books of Poetry 2002–2011
  • one post-2000 prose fiction text from a choice of five texts.

Unit 2: Drama (50%o f IAS & 25% of IAL -2 hours)

Content overview:- Students will study:

  • one pre-1900 drama text from a choice of five and
  • one post-1900 drama text from a choice of five.

IA2 Unit 3: Poetry and prose (25% of IAL – 2 hours)

Content overview:- Students will study:

  • post-1900 unseen poetry
  • two prose fiction texts, from a choice of three texts, covering one theme (choice of four themes).

Unit 4: Shakespeare and Pre-1900 Poetry (25% of IAL – 2hours)

Content overview:- Students will study:

  • one Shakespeare text from a choice of four
  • one specified collection of pre-1900 poems from one literary movement, from a choice of three.
Topic and assessment overview

Available in January and June

**50% off trial Lesson conditions

  • 1 trial lesson per NEW subject booked.
  • Cannot be used for internal assessment or Extended Essays.
  • Subject to both tutor and lesson availability.

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