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Every year, when IB Diploma (IBDP) results come out, we always hope students have
achieved the grades they wanted. If you did then most probably
you are going to continue with whatever course of action you had planned through the year such as
joining a degree course, starting a gap year or going into further education or training.
But not everyone is going to get the grades they were expecting. You may perform better or you may
perform worse. That may raise questions about how to continue your application to a UK university, a
non-JUPAS application in Hong Kong or a variety of other destinations that made a conditional offer.
Here we bring together decades of counseling experience (and many of our staff have been IB
examiners) to list out the options with the various pros and cons for each.
Usually the answer to this is simple – nothing. Just carry on with what you had planned. Most people “over perform” by one point, maybe two. This is not enough to make any significant difference. Your predicted or expected grades can be considered a minimum and you got through strongly. Well done. You have done what was expected, now carry on as expected.
However, if you smashed your expectations, say you got 40 points when you expected 36, then this is probably a moment to step back and think through what to do. Of course, you may still carry on as planned. If you’re 100% convinced the course you will join is the one for you then great. Carry on. If you’re taking a gap year, great. Carry on and rethink your options in a few months. But if you were very practical in your university applications and never applied to a dream place because you thought you’d never be ‘good enough’? You just proved yourself wrong and you should seriously reconsider. Depending on both country of destination and the rules of entry for different universities, you could find yourself at a completely different destination. Or you may defer. Or on balance you may carry on with what you had planned anyway. This is where a counselor comes in and proves invaluable.
First question to ask yourself if you missed your grades is what are the implications? If the grades do not materially affect your plans then do not worry about it. It’s disappointing for sure but it does not change what you are able to do. Believe us, no-one, especially you, will care about your IB grades within a year or so. Don’t let it change your life. Take the positive from experiencing, and getting over, disappointment and move on. For many universities, the offer they make is unconditional so they may also be disappointed but they still accept you and they hope as much as you do that you will perform better as you continue learning. However, you may need to think in more detail about the way in which you missed the grade.
If you needed grades for a conditional offer and missed the grades by the structure not the total e.g. you got 7,6,6 and 38 points but you needed 7,7,6 and 38 points then get in touch with the university straight away. They may still accept you. If you want support then we have specialists for the US and for the UK.
If you needed grades for a conditional offer and just missed both the structure and the total e.g. 7,6,6 and 37 points then you can see if there are other universities willing to take you. If applying to the UK there may be implications with your insurance offer. But you can be released. This is usually the case. The question is not whether someone will take you but are you prepared to go there? Realize your personal agency here. If you need to use Clearing or have any queries, come and ask us.
If you needed grades for a conditional offer and clearly missed the structure and the total e.g. 6,6,5 and 34 points then you need to rethink what you do for the coming year. This could include a different study route such as doing a one year A-level programme to change your university application strategy, or starting a bachelor but via a non-traditional pathway such as BTEC. Or you could shift your study into an area for which you have more passion, perhaps something that has been a hobby until now (we have had many ex-accountants and ex-bankers come to fashion classes
). Or of course you could put study on hold completely and go into work with a view to resuming study/training later with a career focus when that is more clear to you.
Come and see us to work through what might work best for you. Don’t just try and muddle through on your own. For example, taking an IBDP subject is not just a straight equivalent of the same named subject at A-level. We will guide you on what an appropriate choice might look like for you personally.
如果你的分數低於大學錄取條件,例如:錄取條件是34分,但你只有28分,你可能需要考慮其他專業或次一等的大學。如果你沒有保底的選擇,你可以考慮其他出路,包括一個不同的學習路綫,例如修讀一年的A-level課程來改變你的大學申請策略,或者通過BTEC 一些非傳統的升讀大學模式。其次你可以將你的學習轉移到一個你有興趣的領域(我們有許多前會計師和前銀行家報讀時裝班)。當然,你可以把學習完全擱置下去並開始實習或工作,以便在未來作出明確的進修方針。
Foundation courses have increased in popularity in recent years. They last for one year and you are treated as any first year undergraduate but you just go to different lessons. In the UK this would usually involve quite a lot of English language and/or prep for academic writing as well as lessons on the subject stream you are interested in. They are designed for students who did not take a mainstream academic school pathway or who struggle to learn in English. As with all courses, they are good for some people and not for others. Our years of experience have shown us that many people actually can follow a typical mainstream path in terms of the exams they get but may need a non-traditional way to do it. ITS has a one year International A-level Science programme which incorporates Maths plus 2 or 3 from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The class is a maximum size of 10 students and the classes follow a non-traditional structure. Come and see us to discuss these foundation course options.
它們專為沒有傳統學校途徑或英文非母語的學生而設計,只是適合一部分的學生,對其他人則沒有用途。我們憑多年的經驗知道大部分的學生實際上可以按照主流路徑獲得考試文憑,但可能需要以非傳統的方式來實現。 ITS設立為期一年的國際A-level科學課程,其中包括數學和2-3個科學選修課(物理、化學和生物學)。該班級最多可容納10名學生,課程採用非傳統結構和教學模式。如有興趣,請聯絡我們升學顧問。
This is much the same procedure as if you missed a conditional offer. You need to ask the university to release you from any offers you have qualified for and then follow the re-application procedure. Again, there can be many pitfalls so come see us to make sure you follow the right path.
Applicants for US courses need to take either the SAT or the ACT. This is the main route of entry. However, school grades are important as well. US students have a grade point average (GPA) but you have your A-level grades. You could either just take an SAT or ACT course and apply using your existing grades or you could also take one or two A-levels to boost your academic score alongside your SAT or ACT. We have a huge variety of options for you to apply to the US to suit all kinds of time frames and budgets. Come and see us.