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ITS Tutorial School has offered top IGCSE Business support since 2005. We are the only tutorial school in Hong Kong also licensed to run the International GCSE exams by Pearson. You can take both International GCSE and some GCSE subjects as well. Thousands of students have taken private tuition with our Business tutors to date. You can either:
Choose another IGCSE subject:
accounting biology business chemistry chinese commerce economics english language english literature french further pure mathematics geography history mathematics a physics spanish
The International GCSE Business course develops students’ understanding of business activity, innovation and change. Students cover the broad themes of how businesses are established, financed and run. How activities are regulated, and the factors influencing decision-making.
Learners not only study business concepts and techniques but also enhance related skills such as numeracy and enquiry.
The Business International GCSE course is for the Edexcel specification and is divided into five modules, as follows:
1 – Business activity and influences on business
This section covers the various objectives of a business, changing business environments and the criteria for judging success. The focus is on the importance of having clear business objectives and how the business environment provides opportunities for, and imposes constraints on, the pursuit of these objectives.
2 – People in business
This section looks at people in organisations, focusing on their roles, relationships and management in business.
3 – Business finance
This section explores the use of accounting and financial information as an aid to decision making.
4 – Marketing
This section focuses on identifying and satisfying customer needs in a changing and competitive international environment.
5 – Business operations
This section examines the way organisations use and manage resources to produce goods and services.
You can find the Edexcel course specification here.