Contact Us
Fill in the form below or you can also visit our contact us page.
All users - your username is your email address that you use for your online account. Your password was sent to this email when your account was opened. You can change the email address and password in your profile. Please keep them safe as we cannot access them.
Students: your username is [Lastname, Firstname], please note the comma and space, and also the case. Both the Username and Password are case sensitive.
Username: Smith,
Password: JohnS753
Teachers: your username is [Lastname Firstname], please note the
space but NO comma, and also the case. Both
the Username and Password are case
Username: Smith
Password: JohnS753
The online timetable is only used for checking your lesson times and dates, and will
be finalized at 6pm every workday. Please contact us immediately if you notice there are
[email protected]
2116 3916