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Hong Kong study finds flaws in using predicted scores to generate students' grades

By ITS Education Asia

This article from the SCMP is reporting that Research by exams authority shows limitations of system used to calculate grades if college admission tests are cancelled.

There are limitations in using predicted scores to generate students’ grades if university entrance exams are cancelled, Hong Kong authorities say, after citywide research showed the accuracy level was mostly between 40 and 60 per cent.

Research results released on Monday by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) showed the most accurate prediction was in the compulsory English language subject, with predicted scores the same as actual grades for more than 70 per cent of pupils.

Chalkface has been following moves in the UK to stop the practice of using predicted grades to help with university admissions as they accuracy is under question.  Therefore it is not surprising that research in HK on the DSE is showing the same lack of accuracy of these grades.




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