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Reaching 130 million girls with no access to school

By ITS Education Asia

While Hong Kong faces many problems with the current school shutdowns as a result of the Corona Virus, we should not lose sight that many in the world face much greater problems when it comes to their children’s education.  This article from the BBC highlights the problems faced by many girls who have limited education opportunities in much of the world.

In the time it takes to read this BBC news story, about eight girls under the age of 15 will have given birth - mostly in the world's poorest countries - and many will never go back to school.

Julia Gillard, former Australian prime minister, is campaigning for the right of girls to stay in education - and wants to stress the sense of urgency. There are 130 million girls who are completely missing out on school. These are "the most marginalised and hardest to reach," says Ms Gillard, who chairs the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), which raises funds in the developed world to support education in about 70 poorer countries.

Chalkface applauds the work of Julia Gillard and all those trying to improve educational opportunities for children everywhere.


Photo / Image Credit :

"HK Dragon Centre Shopping Girls" by Aleah Phils is under licensed to (CC BY-ND 2.0)

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