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For many of us, it doesn’t cost much to improve someone’s life, and we can do much more of it (Our World in Data)
Some key insights from the UK Climate Change Committee’s Seventh Carbon Budget (Hannah Ritchie)
‘Anxiety, paranoia, fear’: The consequences of digital violence against women (UN News)
Humanitarian system at breaking point as funding cuts force life-or-death choices (UN News)
African Carbon Capture Project Paves Way for Low-Cost, Sustainable Climate Solutions (Happy Eco news)
The Single Banana Experiment (Happy Eco news)
Biased laws and poverty driving huge rise in female prisoners – report (The Guardian)
USAid cuts could create untreatable TB bug ‘resistant to everything we have’ (The Guardian)
‘If you don’t get early years right, children are unlikely to catch up’: why South Africa is trying to reboot its school system (The Guardian)