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‘Historic moment’: First climate action case goes on trial in US (Aljazeera)
Greenhouse gas emissions at 'an all-time high' -- and it is causing an unprecedented rate of global warming, say scientists (ScienceDaily)
In China's lithium hub, mining boom comes at a cost (reuters)
The Overshoot Commission is talking about solar geoengineering. Not everyone thinks it should (CHN)
World Bank set to take on risk of insuring carbon credits amid market upheaval (CHN)
10 Myths About the Plant-Based Diet Debunked By a Cardiologist (greenqueen)
7 Big Signals That Prove The End Of Fossil Fuels Is On The Horizon (greenqueen)
Is the world making real progress towards net zero emissions? (Eco-business)
The materials used by humans now weigh more than all life on Earth – here’s four graphs that reveal our staggering impact on the planet (The Conversation)