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UK: Boris Johnson urged to intervene to 'save outdoor education'

By ITS Education Asia

Kid playing outside on playground Free Photo

It is not just academic studies that the pandemic has disrupted many other educational activities are struggling to survive. The BBC reports Boris Johnson is being urged to end a lockdown block on residential school visits or risk destroying outdoor education in the country.

Outdoor learning "faces an existential threat", providers have told the Prime Minister in a letter

But according to the letter from UK Outdoors, which represents 15,000 people and organisations, the continuing freeze on residential school trips could cost almost 6,000 jobs before January.

The letter adds: "We cannot warn the government in strong enough terms that any decision to prevent residential trips for the rest of the academic year, without support, will permanently close the whole sector."

As with many other issues in education being caused by the pandemic there does not seem to a simple solution to this problem. But losing the sector will set childhood education back significantly.




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