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US: Newsom: California schools won't reopen 'if we wait for the perfect'

By ITS Education Asia

This article from Politico looks at an issue faced by school administrations and governments around the globe.  When is it safe to open schools?  What level of risk is acceptable for students and teachers?

In Sacramento, US, a frustrated Gov. Gavin Newsom said school administrators and teachers unions should agree as soon as possible to reopen schools for younger students.

Newsom was responding to growing demands that all teachers receive vaccines first, but also a long list of conditions that go beyond what the governor has proposed as safe to reopen schools that have been shut for nearly a year. The vast majority of California's 6 million public schoolchildren haven't been on campuses since March.

Some very difficult questions with no simple answers.  However it is so important we get children back to school as soon as it is safe to do so.




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