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US: Where are all the kindergartners? Pandemic creates rare gap year

By ITS Education Asia

The pandemic is impacting on children’s education at all ages.  This article from Politico is reporting on how parents are not sending their children to kindergartens this year.  The longer term impact on the children development of this delay in starting their education may take years to fully appreciate.

Parents across the nation are skipping kindergarten in droves during the most tumultuous s

chool year in generations. Frustrated by the thought of sticking their 5-year-olds in front of screens during the pivotal first year of school, they are sending their children to extended preschool, forming learning pods or foregoing formal instruction altogether.

And while affluent families can still find ways to give their 5-year-olds enrichment activities, low-income children may be losing out on a full year of instruction they would have received otherwise.

The reasons offered in the article as to why this is happening are not surprising but as pointed out there will be many larger implications for children especially from finically less affluent families.




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