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Weekly Digest 21 Sept 2018

By Danny

Both the Independent and Guardian have picked up a Which? consumer report questioning some of the claims made by universities concerning their rankings. ITS has consistently cautioned parents and students on the use of rankings. They are just one tool of many and must be treated carefully, we all know the famous warning about ststaistics....

Staying with UK universities and as a corollary to that, we see that record numbers of students are going through clearing. With the lifting of limits to numbers, certain universities may be attracting a greater number of students leaving others with a shortfall.

But for overseas students this may be a good thing

ISC have published work about the rise of British international schools in China which you can read and listen to in a podcast here

Fnally this week, The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2019 is calling for paper submissions and ramping up preparations for next March.


Dulwich College Singapore

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

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