Pathways To Learning... Since 2005
Hong Kong Registered School 566985

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Ilona Doskoch

Spanish & Russian Teacher

Qualifications :

Bachelor in Communication & PR

Subjects :

Spanish, Russian

Ilona has a degree in Communication and Public Relations from Spain. She lived and studied in London and Milan and finally landed in Hong Kong in 2022. She has worked as a teacher since 2014 for groups and individual adults and children (3 to 13 years old) both for exam preparation and for interest, with high demand and great results.

On becoming a teacher:

Teaching is a beautiful way of sharing with others in the best way you can, all that you know. We have all been taught, by our parents, school teachers and friends until we became older and decided what else would we like to explore further. Finding the person to guide you the right way through the path is significant. Understanding my students personal path and making their journey to the goal interesting and meaningful is my passion. I love challenges. Teaching is the connection between the new and unknown while creating meaningful links to individuals strengths and interests. I enjoy the process and the challenge of making this connection as profitable and enjoyable for the student. It is beautiful to look back and realise how much progress has been made.



Other interests that reflect on my personality as a teacher:

I am a professional Dancer and a fitness instructor. I’m a very active person that enjoys motivating and making the lessons as productive and fun as possible. I believe productivity is much higher when our brain is awake and active. The excitement and brain activity that we have when we dance, should be present when we learn a language.

Top tip to younger self:

Always get ready an answer to that voice in your head that tells you “Oh I wish I would have done it”. The answer you should give yourself if “Wishing won’t change anything, taking action will. If you wish it then do it, the present is the best moment for it”.

If you want to do something, do it. You will always be on time to stop if you wish. That first step towards your wish is the most important ever. It starts everything, turning your wish into a reality.

Dulwich College Singapore

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

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