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US University Admissions Consulting

ITS helps students and parents tailor their application master narrative, helping students identify their academic passions and gain admission into universities. We help students identify and elicit their passions, in all range of interests from arts and humanities to business and science. ITS students have gained admission to the most prestigious schools (Harvard, Stanford, MIT…) and to the very best specialized universities (Parson’s, Cooper Union, Georgia Tech).

It’s never too early to begin preparing your child’s profile to optimize their potential:

Choosing Uni SAT/ACT Classes SAT/ACT Mocks US University FAQs Ivy Candidates Program SAT/ACT Tutors Young Changemaker Incubator (YCI)

Applying for US schools requires a range of steps be taken. The 3 biggest mistakes people make are:

  • putting too much emphasis on grades
  • under-estimating the competition
  • leaving it until a few months before application deadline

No matter your level and the type of school you want to go to, ITS solves these by:

  • ensuring to max your potential SAT or ACT
  • ensuring you max your school grade potential
  • helping you realize all the other applicants will do the same

We then boost your chances and make you stand out by developing your personal journey and story and helping you write about it.

Application Concierge - Richard Hinchman, EdD, MA, BA

Admissions Lead - Danny Harrington, MA (Oxford), DipHE

Danny Harrington
Danny Harrington 

Danny is the founder of ITS Education Asia . He has a Master's degree from the University of Oxford, a DipHE from the University of London and over 25 years' teaching and counselling experience in Hong Kong.

Dr Thomas Richards
Richard Hinchman

Richard has degrees from bachelor to doctorate level. He has worked both at universities and prestigious international schools across Asia since 2007 and is a highly sought out counsellor. He typically achieves successful admissions to CalTech, Yale, Brown, Duke, Emory, Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, ICL, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, NYU and many many more.

Application Support Ivy Application Review Full Admissions Package

Admissions 2019-2024

For those who know which schools they want to apply to but need support with additional documents.

US Ivy League admissions 2019-2014
Brown University Dartmouth College
Cornell University University of Pennsylvania
Yale University Columbia University
Harvard University Princeton University
Successful US admissions to:
American University New York University UC, Santa Barbara
Babson College Northeastern University University of Chicago
Barnard College Northwestern University University of Florida
Binghamton University Occidental College University of Georgia
Boston College Pace University University of Illinois at
Urbana Champaign
Boston University Penn State University of Michigan
-Ann Arbor
Brandies University Pitzer College University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
California Institute of
Pomona College University of Notre
Carleton College Purdue University University of Pittsburg
Carnegie Mellon
Rensselaer Polytechnic
University of Richmond
Claremont McKenna
Rice University University of South
College of Willian &
Rose-Hullman Institute
of Technology
University of Southern
Colorado College Rutgers University University of Wisconsin,
Davidson College Sarah Lawrence College University of Texas at
Duke University Skidmore College University of Virginia
Embry-Riddle Smith College Vanderbilt University
Emerson College Stanford University Vassar College
Emory University Syracause University Virginia Tech
Fordham University The George Washington
Wake Forest University
George Town University The Ohio State
Washington University
in St. Louis
Georgia Tech Tufts University Wesleyan University
Johns Hopkins
UC, Berkeley
Macalester College UC, Davis
Massachusetts Institute
Of Technology
UC, Irvine
Middlebury College UCLA
UC, Riverside
UC, San Diego

Still have questions?

Email us or come in for a Free Consultation

Full admissions package

Admission Services

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Dulwich College Singapore

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

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