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Coronavirus: stress over university entrance exams has skyrocketed amid Hong Kong school closures, study finds

By ITS Education Asia

The stress levels of Hong Kong students sitting for the upcoming university entrance examination are at an all-time high amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which has forced schools to close, according to a study released on Sunday.

The study, comprising two polls conducted by the student counselling group Hok Yau Club in January and March, also indicates the coronavirus’ impact on candidates’ study has been far greater than that of the social unrest that has plagued the city since last June.

The March poll, which interviewed 757 students before the first postponement of the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) exam – now set for April 24 – found respondents on average rated their stress level over the exam an 8.1 out of 10.

The stress levels are the highest since the annual study was launched in 2012, when the DSE exam was first introduced.  This year, some 52,000 candidates will sit for the DSE examination.

We at ChalkFace feel for all these students that are preparing for this important exam. 


Photo / Imager Credit :

By Bicanski under licensed to public domain (CC0)

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