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Mental well-being among Hong Kong university students has declined since 2017

By ITS Education Asia

A very worrying, if not unsurprising, report on the deterioration in the mental well being of Hong Kong university students (SCMP).  Given all the problems that this group of students has been faced with, one feels for them.  We all hope a vaccine will be found soon and life can return to some semblance of normality.

The mental health and well-being of university students in Hong Kong has deteriorated over the past three years, according to new research. The findings were the result of a cross-sectional survey and an accompanying longitudinal study that polled about 1,000 students – aged 18 to 24 – from five universities on their levels of happiness and life satisfaction between 2017 and 2020.

The longitudinal study, which tracked 271 university students from 2017 through January of 2020, found the level of social well-being declined by 11 per cent, from a score of 3.5 to a score of 3.1 on a six-point scale.




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