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School-at-home tips from an educational technology expert

By ITS Education Asia

A very helpful article from Verizon. Education and technology expert Mandy Froehlich provides smart tips on ways to adapt to a new reality—where your child’s classroom might be your living room.

Back-to-school month in a typical school year can be a stressful time for caregivers. This year, with the addition of a pandemic, various changes to districts’ schedules and a potential work-at-home situation, it may be downright overwhelming. In my experience with educational technology and online learning as an educator and as a director of innovation and technology, I’ve found that there are some tools and apps you can use just like the pros do—in spite of the pandemic challenges.

To help, Mandy has broken down the guidance to illustrate how to apply this in your home classroom.

This article is well worth the read by anyone seeking to help with home  schooling of their children.  Thanks Mandy!




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