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Struggling Under Lockdown, Schools Worldwide Relearn the Value of TV

By ITS Education Asia

Here is a report from the New York Times on how many regions around the world that have limited internet access are turning to TV as a way of delivering education options to children.

Poor regions where internet access is scarce are turning to an older technology to reach students. That strategy could also help in wealthy countries that have focused on online classes.

As a substitute, it’s far from perfect. For example pupils miss out on resources such as the school library — and they have no one to check their work. Yet for all its limitations, televised schooling has one enormous advantage for many of the one billion children worldwide who are shut out of schools by the coronavirus pandemic: It can reach them.

Governments all around the world are trying to come up with solutions on how to try to ensure children do not miss out on their essential education.  This method while far from perfect is at least providing some education for those who have access to it



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