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Trump administration backs down on restrictions for international students

By ITS Education Asia

Chalkface has been following the recent moves by the Trump administration to cancel overseas student visas for US university courses where learning was all taking place online.  This was going to impact on many students in Asia as reported in this SCMP article.  It now seems that under pressure the Trump administration has changed course on this policy which is good news for students who are enrolled on courses in the US as reported on the NBC News website.

Facing blowback and lawsuits, the Trump administration is rescinding its directive blocking international students from staying in the United States while taking online-only classes.

The reversal comes in the face of heavy criticism from institutions of higher education and lawmakers from both major parties, who argued that the new rules would be disruptive to students and undermine their opportunities and the value of their education. A lawsuit was even brought by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Great to see some good news coming though instead of all the bad news stories related to the pandemic.  If you have any questions about studying in the US please contact us for a free consultation with our US admission expert.




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