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UK: Law firm 'inundated' with calls from students unhappy with tuition fees amid Covid disruption

By ITS Education Asia

Portrait of student girl with open book on her head Free Photo

This article from The Independent is reporting on a large increase in people asking for legal help in disputing their tuition fees due to much of the teaching taking place online. Universities have had to adapt campuses and courses during the coronavirus pandemic, including moving more teaching than usual online.

Students have told The Independent they felt they should get money off their education this year, saying online learning was not the same as face-to-face teaching, and campus facilities and resources had been more difficult to access due to restrictions. 

“Many students feel they are not receiving the standard of service, education or support they are paying for,” said a solicitor, who specialises in education law and litigation.

It is difficult to see what exactly can be done about these complaints given that universities running costs have not reduced and therefore the revenue from student fees is need to keep them viable.



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