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US: Chaos coast to coast as a school year like no other launches

By ITS Education Asia

There seems to be no shortage of problems in the US as the new school year begins and schools try to start as reported in this article from The Washington Post. It seems that many schools will be either using online learning or a blending of live classes and online lessons.

The 2020-2021 school year has dawned and it’s more chaotic than any before. Plans are changing so fast that students and parents can hardly keep up. Districts that spent all summer planning hybrid systems, in which children would be in school part of the week, ditched them as coronavirus cases surged.

Universities changed their teaching models, their start dates and their rules for housing, all with scant notice. And many districts and col­leges have yet to make final decisions, even now, with the fall term already underway in some parts of the country.

There seems to be no good answers to the problems being faced by schools as they try to get the new school year started.  These issues are not unique to America.  Here at ITS we can help ensure your child is not disadvantaged by school closures as we have extensive experience in providing online learning solutions in a flexible manner.  Contact us for a free consultation.



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Computer photo created by standret - www.freepik.com

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