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US: Educators teaching online and in person at the same time feel burned out

By ITS Education Asia

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Schools all around the world have been trying to develop effective ways to continue to educate children during the pandemic.  This article from NBC News is reporting on the difficulties faced by teachers trying to run live lesson and virtual lessons simultaneously.

Every weekday morning, Paul Yenne sets up five different devices — including two laptops, an iPhone and a screen-caster that projects videos to a large screen — to get ready for the 19 fifth-grade students who come to his classroom and the six who log on from home.

The Colorado school district where Yenne works offers in-person and online classes simultaneously, with one teacher responsible for both. Yenne, 31, delivers the day’s lesson, his eyes continuously darting between the students in front of him and those stacked on a virtual grid on a laptop at the front of the room.

“The most exhausting thing is just to try and hold attention in two different places and give them at least somewhat equal weight,” he said. “What kind of wears on me the most is just thinking, 'I don't know that I did the best for every kid,' which is what I try and do every day when I go in."

Yet another example of the difficulties of finding solutions to disrupted schooling.




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