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US: How to Reopen Schools: What Science and Other Countries Teach Us

By ITS Education Asia

Here is a very interesting article from The New York Times discussing why it is going to be so hard to bring children back to school safely in the US (Many of the points apply equally to other countries facing a similar dilemma). 

As school districts across the United States consider whether and how to restart in-person classes, their challenge is complicated by a pair of fundamental uncertainties.

The World Health Organization has now concluded that the virus is airborne in crowded, indoor spaces with poor ventilation, a description that fits many American schools. But there is enormous pressure to bring students back — from parents, from pediatricians and child development specialists, and from President Trump.

Data from around the world clearly shows that children are far less likely to become seriously ill from the coronavirus than adults. But there are big unanswered questions, including how often children become infected and what role they play in transmitting the virus. Some research suggests younger children are less likely to infect other people than teenagers are, which would make opening elementary schools less risky than high schools, but the evidence is not conclusive.

This excellent article certainly highlights that their does not seem to be any simple solutions as to how to re-start children’s schooling safely in places where the virus is active.




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