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US: Parents and teachers worried pandemic pods will widen education gap

By ITS Education Asia

Chalkface has been following the different ways around the world that people and governments have been trying to get children back to school or at least ensure they continue with their education. One of the measures that is being tried is the use of “Pandemic pods”.  However, this article from CNN highlights concerns that these pods further disadvantage children from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

These small groups of students are springing up as schools stay closed against coronavirus and offer online learning instead. Families group together and either share the care and encouragement for virtual classes, or employ someone, even a qualified teacher, to supervise.

But: "These parental pods are like exclusive private schools, very selective on who gets in," said Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the National Education Association, which represents three million teachers and school staff from preschool through university graduate programs.

It is hardly that surprising that education alternatives being implemented in the era of Covid-19 seem to favor those children from more finically affluent backgrounds.  It is difficult to see what can be done about this imbalance.  One hopes the various governments can get children back to school in a safe manner so all children can receive their vital education.




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