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US: 'Remote Learning Is Not Working': Shutdown Hurts Children, Parents Say

By ITS Education Asia

Boy and girl preparing for school after a long summer break Free Photo

As countries around the world continue to try to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic there are increasing signs of frustration appearing among parents in locations that are seeing schools again being closed.  Behind their unhappiness is the belief that online/remote learning is failing many of their children. (New York Times)

Across New York, parents and elected officials — including many who did not initially support the mayor’s push to get children back into schools — registered their dismay and frustration over the closure of all the city’s classrooms yet again.

It is very difficult for Governments and schools to know exactly what to do during this pandemic.  Stay open and risk increasing transmission of the virus.  Close down and see children’s education suffer.


Photo/Image Credit:

School photo created by master1305 - www.freepik.com

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