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Hong Kong Registered School 566985

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Pearson Edexcel examinations are administered under a variety of centre designations by International Tuition Services Ltd (ITS).

Enrolments made through ITS means you agree with the terms and conditions set out in this document. Signing it constitutes a legally binding agreement. Please be sure you have read and understood it clearly. Please ask for clarification of any points about which you are unsure.

Please also note that ITS is delivering examinations on behalf of Pearson Edexcel who in turn act under the guidance of the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and the rules of The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). By enrolling in Pearson Edexcel exams through ITS, you agree to be bound by all terms & conditions and all rules & regulations set out by these bodies.


ITS is not responsible for any incorrect entries.

No minimum entry requirement is needed. There is no age limit set for enrolments in examinations toward qualifications being offered. Anyone who wishes to enrol in exams through ITS for the purposes of obtaining a Pearson Edexcel qualification may do so. Please note, not every Pearson Edexcel exam is available at an ITS exam centre and you should check our lists of available subjects and qualifications carefully.

All Candidates
Examination enrolments forms can be submitted to ITS by the online form. A copy of a valid Hong Kong Identity Card or passport must be uploaded and the same document used to enter the examination. There is no other way to enrol in exams at ITS.

In addition, there will be other declarations and required documents for certain candidates. You must ensure you make true declarations and submit all required documents at enrolment. Incorrect applications will be delayed and will incur surcharges.

All Candidates
At the time of processing an application to sit an examination, an invoice for the examination fees will be issued. The invoice will be sent by email to a candidate. All fees must be paid within 2 days of the date printed on the invoice. Candidates should keep their original receipts as evidence of their having paid the invoice. If payment of an examination fee is not made by the deadline, the enrolment will not be processed. Late payments will only be accepted at the discretion of ITS and a supplementary fee in addition to the examination fee may be levied.

Examination fees are not transferrable, either from one examination session to another or from one candidate to another. Candidates are advised that once they have paid their examination fees, no refunds will normally be issued either for a candidate who withdraws their entry, or who is absent from the examination, or whose entry is cancelled. Please do not submit an enrolment form until you are sure which exams you want to take.

Details for the payment procedures are clearly detailed on all ITS invoices. There is a variety of electronic payment options. Please ensure you retain screenshots/copies of payment receipts.

(i) Syllabuses
Please read all relevant syllabuses CAREFULLY before completing an examination enrolment form to ensure your enrolments will lead to allowable qualification awards. ITS is not responsible for your choice of units.
(ii) Regulations
It is every candidate's responsibility to read and be aware of all the regulations issued by the JCQ and Pearson, and to conform to the specific centre policies set by ITS

(i) Dual Entries
Candidates are highly discouraged from enrolling in different exam centres (and making dual entries toward qualifications) within an exam session. ITS will not accommodate exam clashes unless both subjects have been enrolled through ITS. Any administrative changes required due to a need to resolve dual entries will incur a surcharge.
(ii) Late Entries
Any application for late entry must be submitted to ITS. If a late entry application is accepted, an additional fee in addition to the listed fees will be levied for each entry.
(iii) Addition/Change of Subject
Changes to an examination entry cannot be made once examination fees have been paid. If a candidate wishes to add or make change(s) to an examination entry, a written application must be submitted to ITS. If the application is accepted, a supplementary fee in addition to the invoiced fees may be levied for each change or addition.

Personal data of candidates is used for the delivery of examination services. This data has been supplied either by:
  • candidates through their school or agent, or
  • parents/guardians of candidates aged under 18, or
  • candidates who are responsible for their own entries.

The provision of any requested personal data is voluntary. However, if all the required examination entry data is not provided or if any of the data supplied is inaccurate or incomplete, ITS might be unable to accept or process their entry. Personal data submitted may also be used for:

(a) assisting tertiary institutions and other educational institutions in their processes for admissions purposes
(b) assisting government/public organizations in granting scholarships or/and financial assistance
(c) certifying candidates' examination results in response to legitimate requests
(d) conducting educational research and analysis in an anonymous format in which the identities of candidates are not released

ITS will process all candidates’ personal data in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Access to all personal data will be made available, on payment of a fee, to anyone who can establish their right to be informed of such data as is retained by ITS. Please also note that candidates' personal data/correspondence/other information received by ITS may be referred to the Examination Board concerned. Candidates should approach the Examination Board directly for that Board’s personal data/information handling policies, if necessary.

a. Communication
All communication will be by email. Candidates must check the given email address regularly and respond by deadlines given. Missed deadlines often mean failure to complete enrolment or assessment and therefore no grade awarded.

In all emails to us, you must provide:
  • Your full name per your enrolment (matching your ID)
  • Centre number through which you have enrolled
  • Candidate number
  • The names and codes for the papers you are enquiring about
b. Statements of entry & timetables
Candidates are reminded to carefully check their relevant statements of entry to ensure that the correct enrolments have been made and immediately inform us if anything is incorrect. Once received, examination timetables must also be checked to ensure the correct subjects have been entered and prohibited combinations of subjects have been addressed. Candidates may clarify arrangements regarding any potential timetable clashes with the Exams Officer at ITS. You must report at the times given. Lateness will mean failure to be admitted.
c. Venues
Carefully check the location at which each paper is scheduled. It is the candidate's responsibility to arrive at the correct venue at the correct time. As exams are held at multiple locations in each exam session as indicated on the individual exam timetable, failure to arrive on time at the designated venue for each exam may result in non-admission.
d. Miscellaneous requirements
For some examinations we will need further information from you. E.g. in literature exams we need to know your chosen texts, subjects such as History we need to know your options, and languages need topic choices for oral examination components. We will ask you for all required information either on the enrolment form or by email and there will be a deadline for you to submit. Failure to meet the deadline will mean you cannot get an award. Remember there are no refunds.

As long as you monitor and respond to your emails you will not have a problem. Agreeing these terms & conditions means you acknowledge your responsibility to monitor and respond to your emails and that failure to do so will mean failure to get an award.

e. Deadlines

ITS centres have deadlines for all services which are ahead of Pearson published deadlines to give us time to process requests and for you to meet all requirements, including payment, associated with those services. Do not follow any published deadlines or any deadline other than those provided by us. In general, make all requests to us as soon as you can. Delay may mean we are unable to meet a request.

Please note that neither the Examination Board nor ITS will be responsible for any non - performance of duties where such non-performance has been caused by an act of God, labour strike, natural disasters, government action or intervention, riot, staff negligence or any cause not reasonably foreseeable and beyond the reasonable control of the Examination Board or ITS.

If a Black rainstorm, or T8 and above, warning is in place one hour before the reporting time on your ITS issued timetable then those exams will not take place.

If it is Red rainstorm or below, or T3 or below, one hour before the reporting time, the exams will go ahead.
There will be other tricky circumstances where the HKO announces it might change the signal. If you are on the way when a higher signal goes up then either continue and wait at ITS safely or return home - whichever is safer. Safety is the only consideration in your decision.

When the weather is uncertain we will also post announcements on a pop up on our website.

Everyone has different circumstances in terms of their ability to travel during or after bad weather. It will depend on the road conditions, flooding, public transport and many other factors.

If the exam is going ahead but you either know or genuinely feel you cannot make it in time and safely, then you should email us to let us know the situation. Please describe as accurately as you can the circumstances stopping you from travelling. This could include government announcements, police notices or even photos of your local area. We will use this to help you decide on the best course of action. Depending on where you are in the exam cycle this could include applying for missing components, special consideration or just rethinking your strategy on when to take the missed exam.

Do not travel if it is not safe for you to do so.

a. Results

Statements of Results are downloaded by ITS from Pearson on Results Day. We will release these to you by emailing a pdf to your registered email address. This is the only method of collecting your results. Results queries will not be entertained by phone or in person.

We do not use the "Results Plus" service.

If you require a certified hard copy of your Statement of Results, you must notify us by email. You will be invoiced and then contacted regarding collection. You can collect in person or choose to have it couriered to you (you pay the courier on arrival)

If you require a more detailed confirmation of your studies, including your results, a letter can be prepared. You will be invoiced and then given a time when you can come to collect it after payment is received.

b. Late cash

If you have chosen not to cash-in automatically but decide you want to after the exam, you must request this by email. Late cash-ins are charged.

c. Return of script

If you wish to see any of your marked exam scripts, you must make a request by email. There is a charge for this service.

d. Re-marks

If you wish to have a paper re-marked, you must make a request by email. There is a charge for this service

e. Certificates

When certificates arrive at our centre (several weeks after results day), we will inform you. They are available for collection by appointment or we can have them couriered to you (you pay the courier on delivery).

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