Pathways To Learning... Since 2005
Hong Kong Registered School 566985

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James Labrum

English Language & Literature

Qualifications :

B.Comms. (RMIT)

Subjects :

English Literature, English Language

James has been living in Hong Kong his entire life and completed all of his education under the ESF schooling system. He attended the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Melbourne and graduated with a distinction in Professional Communications in 2015. He has been teaching all levels of English since 2012, and on a full-time basis since 2020.

On becoming a teacher:

I became a teacher as I wanted to pursue a career in an area that I am genuinely passionate about. I wanted to engage in something tangible where I actually made a difference, and helped people achieve their goals. Seeing students progress and develop both academically and personally. The fact that every day brings something different, unique and interesting both inside and outside of the classroom.

Other interests that reflect on my personality as a teacher:

I am very interested in both listening to and playing music (the drums and guitar). I love movies, watching and playing basketball, as well as have a keen interest in horology. I am also up-to-date with international current affairs and pop culture, in addition to reading and history.

A person I find inspirational and why:

Helen Keller. She was born into a life where most would have given up from the beginning, but she achieved far more than 99% of abled individuals do in their lifetime. Her teacher helped make her life fulfilling, something I hope to do with my students.

Steve Jobs. His ability to communicate and generate his simple, yet ingenious ideas in a way which not only captivated, but changed the world was on another level.

Top tip to younger self:

Do what makes you happy, pursue your passions and ignore the noise.



Dulwich College Singapore

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

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