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Alfie is looking at how he can contribute to the reduction of food waste by finding ways to utilize the concept of the circular economy. . . .

By Danny Harrington, MD ITS Education Asia Continue Reading


Aden is working on supporting the elderly with games for brain function. His ideas will lead to a way for elderly people to socialize using the games as a focus point and address a number of issues we face as we get older. And all in a Hong Kong context. . . .

By Danny Harrington, MD ITS Education Asia Continue Reading

Felix's Social Justice Video

Over the past year, the coronavirus has greatly impacted everyone around the world. However, those who were most negatively effected are the people who are less financially stable. My project aims to not only reduce face mask waste but to also allow people to safely reuse face masks which can be beneficial to those who struggle to afford face masks for everyday use. . . .

By ITS Education Asia Continue Reading

Alvin's Social Justice Video

Quote: Autism is not a learning impairment, but a learning difference. Traditional education often struggles to prepare students with autism for self empowerment. However, music therapy can help bridge this inequality gap.  . . .

By ITS Education Asia Continue Reading

Arthur's Social Justice Video

I seek to construct a new framework for teaching and learning where the sustainable development goals are embedded into the academic curriculums to foster action-based education for change . . .

By ITS Education Asia Continue Reading

Ethan's Social Justice Video

Quote: We need young people to use their entrepreneurial enthusiasm to eliminate poverty and hunger by encouraging compassion and cultural awareness. This is especially true during a pandemic which has hindered collaboration. I am focused on a Hong Kong with zero food and packaging waste. . . .

By ITS Education Asia Continue Reading

YCI Feb '21 Seminar - Fruit Peels to Soap IV

Great to see the YCI community - even if only virtually - for an informative hour with Elin.  The big takeaway? Student projects will blossom in ways that no one can predict.  With Elin, Ethan, and Alfie, we were treated to a multi-generational cross-section of food waste advocates. Ethan and Alfie will both be looking to harness the power of Fruity Clean and saponification, but they still have the challenges of self-organizing and applying their newfound technology to quantifiably reduce food waste.  Elin gave Ethan and Alfie a glimpse of where these projects might lead them. Elin no longer works with food waste, but now lobbies companies and legislators to shift policies towards green technology and away from fossil fuels. No ceiling for Ethan and Alfie!   . . .

By ITS Education Asia Continue Reading

YCI Feb '21 Seminar - Fruit Peels to Soap III

Our headline speaker Elin Chan had such fantastic advice for our students. She talked about how public speaking and pitching as a high school student has given her the confidence and skills to persuade American legislators. She talked about the paramount value persistence. She had the inimitable wisdom of “be comfortable being uncomfortable” - amazing advice for students who retreat into the known.  Thank you so much to Elin, our YCI ambassador for fruit peels! . . .

By ITS Education Asia Continue Reading
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