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Music education in UK schools devastated by pandemic

By ITS Education Asia

Young children learning how to play piano Free Photo

It comes to no surprise that with the transition to online lesson, Music education has suffered greatly. Harriet Sherwood reporting for the Guardian states that music education in schools is facing an “unprecedented crisis” as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Crisis is caused by a reduction in provisions. Two-thirds (68%) of primary school teachers and over a third (39%) of secondary school teachers reported a reduction in music provision as a direct result of the pandemic in a survey carried out by the ISM at the beginning of this academic year.

Almost one in 10 primary and secondary schools are not teaching music as part of the curriculum at all. Some lessons “contained no practical music-making”, the report says.

Extracurricular musical activities have been discontinued in nearly three-quarters (72%) of UK primaries and two-thirds (66%) of secondary’s. Schools in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have been hit harder than those in England.




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Music photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com

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