Head of School Rob Burrough
Gender Co-Educational
School Type Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary
Ages 2 - 18
Number of Pupils 2,100
Curriculum IB PYP, IB MYP, IB Diploma, STEAM/STEM
Fees Nursery: (half day):SG$16,500; (full day):SG$24,000; K1-K2: S$32,100.00; Year 1-6: (Years 1-4):S$32,100.00; (Years 5-6):S$35,800.00; Years 7-8: (Year 7):S$35,800.00; (Year 8):S$39,900.00; Years 9-11: S$39,900.00; Years 12: S$40,900.00; Years 13: S$40,900.00;
Fees Additional Info Click Here
Debenture No
Language of Instruction English, Bilingual (English & Mandarin), French
Application Dates Year-round
Website Click Here
Address 7 Jurong West Street


CIS is one of the few international schools in Singapore to offer all three IB programmes – Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma –as a continuum, allowing students to transition to another school if required, or graduate and be admitted to leading universities around the world. Curriculum standards are aligned to the UK, Canada, US and Australia, which support the framework of CIS’ teaching and learning programmes.

The school provides a concept-based curriculum that focuses on conceptual and inquiry-based learning. Instruction is driven by “big ideas” rather than subject specific content. Both primary and secondary students are taught to “learn how to learn” through an inquiry-based approach that guides them to think deeply about a topic, conduct their own research, and then reflect on the process and outcome.

This encourages them to consider concepts from different perspectives, work collaboratively to develop creative solutions, and communicate effectively using a wide range of media while developing 21st-century skills such as analytical, critical and creative thinking, and the ability to solve problems in real-world situations.

Inside The School

Parent Reviews

"CIS encourages inclusive participation and welcomes new ideas and initiatives. Our family joined CIS in January 2021 and within a few months, [my son] Saarth (grade 4) got the opportunity to perform at the David Fosters auditorium for United Nations Day and at the CIS talent show. The principals and classroom teachers also gave full support for his plan to start a new CIS cricket league, and for [my daughter] Aadya (grade 1) to engage with the wonderful school librarians to plan her online storytelling sessions." - Anuj Khanna Sohum

"We have been at CIS over four years and thanks to the school, my four kids, Emma (grade 5), Ayana (grade 3), Kai (grade 2) and Lewis (grade 2) have shown more self-confidence and are much more curious about the world around them. In particular, I have realised that both my daughters, Emma and Ayana, who have been in the IB PYP programme for over four years, have the ability to solve problems with an improved level of flexibility and creativity." – Naomi Clarke

"My kids – Rio (grade 2), Nanami (grade 4) and Kota (grade 7) – are enjoying CIS very much since we joined the school in 2018. Rio is getting to understand English and she is trying to be a bit more of a risk-taker. Nanami is enjoying studying the Chinese language now and I think she seems to have grown more confident in her English proficiency, as well as in herself. This year, Nanami would like to be a candidate for the student council. Finally, Kota has been studying hard with Mr Lindsay Wood, his English Language Learner (ELL) teacher. I'm very thankful to him for helping with Kota's English development. I hope he'll exit the ELL exam this year and have more confidence in the language."- Aika Yoshioka

Specialist Programmes

Bilingual programmes

Available to students in pre-kindergarten to grade 6, the pioneering Chinese-English and French-English bilingual programmes follow a curriculum that is aligned with the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP). Students spend one day being taught in English, and next one day in Chinese or French without repetition or translation of content. This gives equal exposure in both languages, so students become fluent communicators.
It’s a model that has been so successful, that the Chinese-English bilingual programme, one of the first to be offered by a Singapore international school in 2014, now has 47 bilingual classes in primary and will be extended to nursery in the next school year. The French-English bilingual programme has also been extended to grade 5 students this year, with plans to expand to grade 6 in the 2022 school year.


The first of its kind in Singapore, STEAM is an integration of Science, Technology, Environmental Students, Arts and Math. This innovative and interdisciplinary approach to learning teaches students how to make connections across topics that relate to the real world. By drawing on conceptual understandings from each discipline, students can analyse global problems by utilising the design cycle, prototype solutions, and then test their concepts in a real-world context.

Education Philosophy

Today’s students are in a unique position; they are the first generation to face a world where exam results alone no longer dictate success. Success in a global environment will require not only the ability to come up with fresh and original ideas, but also the focus and dedication to turn those ideas into action. They will be solving problems that are the result of global issues today. To be prepared for such a future, CIS is committed to developing in students the skills that will ensure success in the 21st century:

  • Agility and adaptability
  • Initiative and entrepreneurship
  • Curiosity and creativity
  • Collaboration and critical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence and resilience.

School News and Open Days

Why Choose CIS

“We offer a highly structured academic program that teaches your child how to think, not simply what to think. And we believe that placing our students squarely at the center of the learning process. By responding to their unique learning needs, we’re not just helping them face the future – we’re equipping them to own the future.” – Pete Corcoran, Head of School

Keep a lookout for CIS’ new Lakeside early years wing, which is due to open early 2023. It will feature a new learn-to-swim pool, learning pods, black box theatre and a huge Outdoor Discovery Centre.